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Communication Skills
Interpersonal skills play a crucial role in achieving workplace success.  Whether it’s working effectively with colleagues or with a manager, establishing effective work relationships is a key factor in business success.  Research confirms it.  A recent study found that organizations with a high focus on interpersonal skills learning demonstrated an average of 27 percent greater productivity than their competitors, as well as, 40 percent higher revenue growth and 50 percent great net income growth.

Social Style and Versatility products are a flexible set of teaching materials, self-study guides, Social Style profiles and seminars that have been developed to increase interpersonal skills that lead to high performance for both the individual and the organization.

Interpersonal Skills play a crucial role in the success of managers. Research confirms it. In one recent study, virtually 100% of executives agreed that interpersonal skills are increasingly important as a manager progresses through the ranks, and 84% said that "ineffective communication" was a deficiency among first-level managers. A separate investigation showed that four out of 10 newly-promoted managers fail within their first 18 months on the job. A primary cause has been identified as inadequate interpersonal skills. -playing